Tuesday, March 16, 2010

7-Eleven opposition gets organized

I've seen some organized opposition during public comment at city meetings. Some people prepare speeches to exactly fit the 4-minute allotted time frame. Others have given slide shows to back up their arguments. But this one takes the cake!

It's a video posted on Youtube by David Sawhill, a resident who lives near the proposed 7-Eleven site. See below. Sawhill can't attend next Tuesday night's city council meeting due to an open house at Claremont High School where he works, so he's asked city staff to show the video during public comment in his absence.

In the video, Sawhill vividly describes the traffic hazards that neighbors believe will cause problems at the proposed business site and in his neighborhood. He's even come up with descriptive names for the hazards, like "the black hole," "blind man's curve" and "Can you see me now?"

The 7-Eleven opposition has also created a Facebook page, Say NO to Claremont 7-11, dedicated solely to stopping the business from opening at the location. So far, the page has attracted 37 fans.

The city council will hear the appeal on Tuesday, March 23. According to the appeal, which you can read in full here, the business applicant is willing to limit operating hours from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. and alcohol sales from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.


  1. Thank you for posting. Interesting month this will be in regards to this subject.

  2. Has anybody heard of Famima Convenience Stores? If you havent Google them and tell me if you agree that they would be a much better fit for Claremont than 7-11.

    Ronald Scott
